Thursday, August 23, 2012

Whoo Hoo..I'm in and I figured out how to get in without asking my granddaughter, Kristin!  She will be proud of me!!

Well, in preparation for the trip, I have made several appeals for clothes for the teens at the school where I hope to volunteer.  The school is called Oaxaca Learning Center and you can find it online.  This school tutors high school students in all subjects.  These are students who need high school skill enhancement because they might not have had access to schools which would have prepared them for High School.   I am sure I will write more about these students later.

Back to the clothes appeal...I have had a great response and have a good nightmare of
stacks and stacks of more clothes than I can possibly take in my one huge suitcase that I am taking for that purpose.

I have been looking at my photos from 2 previous trips and I cannot wait to get to this beautiful area.  I have no rational explanation for the pull I have toward this area of Mexico.  In fact, if you need "rational", you are reading the wrong person's blog!

Hope that you all can find your way to this blog and figure out how to comment or let me know you are reading! 


  1. Testing, Nancy 1. . . 2 . . . 3


  2. Hiho Nancy!

    Your blog initiative has prompted my first entry into the "blogosphere!" Not surprised to note your teaching commitment to "make a positive difference in the lives of other fellow travelers on this Planet Earth" has prompted this continuing connection with the members of your selected Mexican community. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! I'll look forward to reading your updates. "heckperson"

    1. Thanks, Mike! Glad you are inspired as I was by my granddaughter. I still have 2 weeks to go before I leave!

  3. heehee! hope u hav a good trip!
    I'm ur new follower!

    If u want a little more publicity, I'd b happy to post about ur site on my blog, if u wanted. Let me know!

    1. Kk! I'll post on it today! If there's anything specific u want me to include u can email me!

  4. Just a suggestion, u might also want to start giving ur posts a title to bring in a little more intrest. I find it brings in more people since the title is the first thing most people c.

  5. Let's see just how good Mr. Heckperson is as a teacher...;0)
